Remote education
We have developed a remote education strategy that is integrated into our school curriculum.
Remote education is an essential component in the delivery of our school curriculum particularly for pupils who are self-isolating. We teach the same curriculum remotely as we do in school.
Google Classroom
We use Google Classroom to enhance the children’s learning both at school and at home. It is used for home learning activities, sharing useful information videos and for providing a way for parents to communicate remotely with teachers.
If children need to stay at home for a period of time, we use Google Classroom to seamlessly switch to providing remote education.
We have created a Google Site which is populated with helpful tutorials, resources and other features which parents and children can access using their school Google account.
When is remote education necessary?
- a child is self-isolating
- a proportion of children in a class are self-isolating
- a whole class or year group bubble is self isolating
- school is only open for the children of critical workers and vulnerable children
- school is closed to all children
Access to devices
Parents and carers who do not have the necessary devices for their child/ren to access Google Classroom should contact school in order to loan a device for this purpose.
More information
Below are some useful remote education documents including our policy, Google Classroom handbook and information about how to join Google Classroom.